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Annual Meeting Image

PRAN Survey

PRAN’s first Annual Meeting took place on June 23rd & 24th, 2023, at York University in Toronto. The event brought together a diverse group of partners, including academics, researchers, students, non-profit workers, and community representatives.

Director Dr. Philomena Okeke-Ijherika, kicked off the meeting by highlighting PRAN’s key goals:

  • Supporting the SSAI community
  • Redefining resilience by adopting a more inclusive and community-engaged approach
  • Training graduate students and early career researchers
  • Fostering a network of academic and community partners to create a support network for SSAI newcomers in Canada

Community Institutional Scan

PRAN Community was launched at the Africa Day event in May 2022, which was hosted by our community partner, Africa Centre.

Longitudinal Qualitative Study

In addition to our Community Launch, we also held another significant event to mark the official launch of PRAN. This event took place at the University of Alberta on August 17th, 2022.

All images are from Faith Abimbola